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My First Post

So here I am....finally creating a blog.....its the "start" I have been thinking about for a long time....something that I know I need to have one day if I want to follow on the path toward this crazy idea that I have of being a fine art portrait photographer. I guess its kind of complicated, too, as life usually is....I already have a job that I absolutely love....I teach Spanish to young children...and I love the interactions that I have with them everyday and that I am opening up their world to new experiences through language and culture. I love teaching them and am blessed with their smiles and hugs and watching them grow and learn brings me so much joy and sense of accomplishment...and they certainly teach me things along the way too...Its fun to have a job that makes me smile, and that I am passionate about.

As a photographer, I have a LONG way to go, but I guess you gotta start somewhere, right? I tend to be a perfectionist, so I have been putting off and putting off doing anything....simply because I always have a need to make everything perfect before I do something. I have some obstacles (money, time, schedule, the fact that I already have a full time job, etc...the list goes on and on!) that I will have to overcome in order to fulfill this dream, but my hope is little by little I can get over these hurdles and someday have a successful business doing something that I love to do--taking photos of children and families and capturing those precious fleeting moments on film so that they can be remembered, relived and cherished for a lifetime. I am really looking forward to this journey with anticipation, hopefulness, and excitement ....and I hope that my journey may also inspire just one other person to follow their dream.

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