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Boys boys boys {Milwaukee Family Photographer}

I had the honor to shoot this adorable family this week. Such cutie pie boys. I love big brother's awesome scwhinn tricycle. I know my son (and husband) would be envious. Check out the awesome hair on the little guy too. Here is a sneak preview, Heidi. I'll get the rest to you very soon! :)

lalo {Milwaukee Child Photographer}

So I found the most darling kids' clothing line ever at the Milwaukee Eastside Farmer's Market yesterday. Its called lalo, which is inspired by the owner's son--"lalo" was the way he pronounced the word yellow when he first began to speak. SO CUTE! So, I bought Lucia these adorable pants. Each piece is one-of-a-kind and handmade by Anne, the owner of lalo. See for yourself and check out her website. Lucia and I had a little photoshoot when we got home yesterday and here are some of my favorite images.

My Little Ladybug {Milwaukee Child Photographer}

Its so hard to believe that my sweet little ladybug girl is one year old. She is walking and talking and she's just not a baby anymore. My little ladybug girl has many nicknames: Lucy Lu, Lu Lu, Lucy Duecy, Ladybug, Peanut....but she also has another very special nickname that I call her quite often: LUCIAmonster. My friends say, "She's so sweet and quiet! How can you call her a monster?"
"Oh, just wait and you'll see," I say. And in the blink of an eye, she has wiggled her way out of the highchair, freeing herself of the seatbelt like Houdini and is standing, not on the seat, but on top of the highchair TRAY! I quickly grab her, put her down on the floor and with just one more blink of the eye, she has unlocked the dishwasher and has a butcher knife in each hand! I am not kidding. That is my LuciaMONSTER.

Everyone tells you how quickly time flies with your children and before you know it, they are all grown up. Just like that, my ladybug girl went from a baby to a toddler in the blink of an eye. Well anyway, since I am always clicking away with my own camera, I have never actually done "formal" pictures of my kids. Sometimes when I hear people talking about how they have professional photos taken at all the important milestone ages, I think, "oops, I didn't do that." ....
So....I did a little impromptu shoot of Lucia and I think these photos can serve as her ONE YEAR photos. I think they are pretty sweet. I love the sun flare.

Summer Lovin' {Milwaukee Family Photographer}

As the start of the school year is quickly approaching, and summer is nearing its end, I treasure my precious moments with my children even more. This summer has been incredible, but as usual, it has flown by way TOO FAST. Photography for me, provides me with the opportunity to freeze time, if for even just a moment....capturing those magical moments so that I can bring them to life over and over again through my images. Here is just a slice of my life during one of those enchanting moments with my children on a beautiful August afternoon.

Wisconsin State Fair {Milwaukee Child Photographer}

Ahhhh....the state we all know, the state fair makes for THE. BEST. PEOPLE-WATCHING. Seriously. As a photographer, I am of course, a "people-watcher," but this place is an all together different kind of people-watching kind of place, if you know what I mean. There are mullets galore. There are beer bellies a plenty. I mean, come on....this is Wisconsin, right? And then there is the food. Cream Puffs. mmmm. Deep fried snickers bars. Hmm? Cheeseburgers sandwiched between two Krispy Kreme donuts. Not so mmmm.....

I wasn't feeling so well so I actually didn't even get to eat, but I did get to snap a few photos of my kids hanging out with some of our friends' kids. It was a great time. Check 'em out!

Awww. Brotherly love.

I love stroller rides!

Taking a break for some refreshments!

And my favorite...."driving" the tractor.

MN trip {Milwaukee Family Photographer}

I went to visit family and friends in MN this past weekend. It was my first trip in the car with both kids for that long--a 5 hour tour--and it actually went quite well. We got to see lots of family and friends and I was able to capture some special moments that we will always treasure. Here's a sneak peek:

Here are the kids with Great Grandma McGowan...

...and with Great Grandma Costello ("Gigi")...

...and at the Krueger farm with friends... was a fabulous trip!